Soul People – Josh Dickson

Soul People: Josh is the founder of Resurface, who create evidence-based surf therapy retreats. They provide connection, build resilience and flow, creativity and self-care – through mindfulness, group therapy, psycho-education – plus sharing the simple, immersive joy of the ocean.

World Ocean Day ’22 | Our Impact Report

This year’s UN World Ocean Day will focus on collective climate action for the ocean, so we wanted to show you where we are at with our Sustainable-ish Plan – our 2021 Impact Report – plus share some of the resources we've ...

Soul & Surf Recipes | Monkey Jam

Food, food, sunshine food. There isn't a lot more sunshine-y than our tropical Monkey Jam, served up at our breakfast tables in Kerala, Lanka and Portugal. Here we share the simple recipe with you - so you can bring a ...

Be Good, Do Good – the Soul & Surf Manifesto

We have tried to capture in words everything that Soul & Surf is really about. It looked a bit like a manifesto – so here is our manifesto for you.

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